Become an informed voice in media debates and in policy development and resources planning
How to become more informed?
Local authorities play a crucial role in informing citizens about integration and inclusion trends. Faster integration can lead to increased support for migrants and easier convergence between native-born and immigrants.


Follow and engage in a positive way with relevant accounts of policy makers, local authorities etc on social media

Listen to and amplify new migrant perspectives

Engage with actors or media who are driving the agenda on international migration

Keep a close eye on international organisations which share data, best practices, and information
Examples of information sources:

International Organization for Migration
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:

Engage with the Outside Multicultural Magazine:

Keep a close eye on The Eu Migration Policy
- Try not to be intimidated by authority. Build relationships.
- Learn to question responses with which you do not agree. Do this in a very positive way.
This will have an effect on the way you form your message which will become more authentic and hold more value!
Examples of information sources:
Becoming informed about the community’s needs

Effective Migrant Community Mediators represent the rights and interest of people within migrant communities

Effective mediation, of any kind, requires building a solid strategy or plan and practicing skills to help you feel comfortable and confident in reaching your mediation goals
Break down the problem
Educate yourself
Identify the rights involved
Develop a solution (goal) and strategy to address the problem
But before you start…
- Remember the people you are trying to help and don’t just focus on the process
- Who are the people you are reaching?
- How will your intervention affect them?
- What are their stories?
- Is there something in their circumstances that confuses you, that you do not understand?
- Do you think you would have different needs, reactions, feelings if you were them?
- Can you accept what they are expressing, feeling? Do you accept the differences?
- Once this reflection is done, you are ready for the next steps.