- Migrant and refugee leaders are also still marginalised from public discourse on migration, integrating, diversity and anti-racism.
- The migrant rights sector and campaigns are still largely led by people who are not directly affected by those matters.
- Engagement of migrants and refugees in the public discourse and campaigning needs to be based on fair power dynamics embedded in leadership.
- The Migrant and Refugee Leaders Network Ireland is a peer support platform where migrant and refugee leaders can reflect on their leadership journeys, share stories of success as well as challenges, and motivate each other to continue on their community empowerment work.
- Within the migrant and refugee communities, Ireland has a pool of talented and inspiring leaders. They deliver a great deal of work contributing to the wellbeing of their local communities and transforming our society to be a better place for us all. However, many of the leaders work in silos, with no connection to wider networks or platforms.

Originally from Mongolia, Gonchigkhand’s dream is to be a social worker in Ireland and contribute to Irish society. In 2020, she took part in the Migrant Leadership Academy. Gonchigkhand came to Ireland in December 2016 She started a blog for Mongolians in Ireland about life in Ireland, and joined a campaign for undocumented people.
READ MORE: Gonchigkhand | Immigrant Council of Ireland
Forming your Leadership Vision
To create a leadership vision, it is fundamental that you get to know yourself by assessing your strengths and weaknesses.
We urge your to read this fabulous article on
The Importance of a Leadership Vision – Journey To Leadership (journeytoleadershipblog.com)

Vision need Action – Key steps in a Mediation Action Plan
- Identification of issue and options for tackling it
- Methods of engagement
- Participants express their views open and honestly
- Timeline is created
- Purpose of engagement in relation to the need is identified
- Public policies identified
- Resources identified
- Intended results (measurable and realistic) are agreed
- Constraints, challenges and opportunities are assessed
- Roles and responsibilities to action are distributed
- Evaluation of performance is planned
Case Study: Malala Yousafzai – A Visionary
Malala proved she is a visionary when she had a vision that women should be allowed to be educated and kept fighting for her vision to become true.
How Malala Achieved Her Goals
- Malala is a Visionary Leader. She inspires others with the commitment and promise to their set vision. Rather than command others, as a visionary leader, Malala appeals to groups by convincing them of that, the seemingly unattainable can be achieved.
- Visionary leaders like Malala are long-term thinkers and think about the future ahead of them; making efforts and finding opportunities to accomplish something from their lives while also inspiring others.
- Malala Yousafzai portrays all the characteristics of a visionary leader. With being shot in the head, to spending months in a coma, she still survived and stood up stronger than ever showing the world a ray of hope. She inspired herself and others, and most importantly, did not stop at anything to achieve her vision.

Main conclusions to this module
Map the community
Who can help? Where are the problems?
All parties can have them
Understand them to overcome them
Be a leader with a vision
Choose your leadership style